Man! Time flies! I just realized that we are just over 6 weeks away from our 4th Annual Witches Run!!!
The past year has absolutely flown by, and we can't believe it's already Autumn!!! We wanted to invite you to be part of what we is quickly becomin an annual Halloween tradition in the community, and hopefully for each of you personally! Here are the details for this year's race:
Date: Saturday, October 27th, 2012
Time: 8:00 am--5K, 8:45 (or so)--Children's Mile
Location: Salem Hills High School (150 N. Skyhawk Blvd)
Cost: 5K--$15.00 (prior to October 21st)
Children's Mile--$10.00 (prior to October 21st)
Contact Information: Bart Thompson, race director
We are THRILLED to announce that registration will once again be done through To register, just simply click on the link below! Hope to see you there!!!
-The Witches